We invite you to renew your membership or become a member of the Mental Health Contractors Association of San Diego County (MHCA). MHCA is recognized as having a strong and vital voice concerning the needs within the County Behavioral Health System of Care. MHCA is committed to voicing and supporting the ongoing needs of our community, particularly during this time of budgetary challenges, workforce shortages, and healthcare reform.
MHCA serves as an advocacy group for all behavioral health contractors in San Diego County. The MHCA Board meets monthly with the County Behavioral Health Services (BHS) Executive Team to discuss concerns, strengthen continuing communication, and collaborate on creative solutions to system of care needs. MHCA representatives serve on many San Diego BHS committees, ensuring that the perspective and needs of providers are always heard. As a member of MHCA you/your organization are provided an opportunity to provide input into these committees and obtain critical information about decisions being made or considered by San Diego County.
It remains imperative that we maintain an up-to-date awareness of the State and County initiatives and promote a strong professional Association that defines priorities and identifies solutions to potential budget and policy considerations. The active participation of MHCA has proven to be a formidable mechanism for allowing our members needs be recognized and acknowledged.
For information about membership, please send an email to our Coordinator: mhcasandiego@gmail.com
8 Great Reasons to Become a Member
1. Connection: You are connected to a larger group banded together to produce positive results for public health in our region.
2. Public Policy / Advocacy: You can contribute to the strong advocacy program centered on assuring that public health voices are being heard. The Board of Directors follows legislative updates/alerts, and keeps track of public health issues under consideration by the County and State legislatures.
3. Informational Services: The association keeps members in touch with each other and current issues through the association’s website and email updates on emerging issues relevant to public health. You remain informed about public health in our region in a way that saves you time.
4. Networking: You have many opportunities to network with public health professionals in our region, building your contacts, sharing ideas, best practices and solutions to enhance your current job, find opportunities for career enhancement, etc. Networking events range from general membership meetings to training sessions.
5. Affiliation: You will have affiliation with your professional association and public health professionals in our region and statewide.
6. Leadership Opportunities: You are provided opportunities to learn and practice leadership and meeting management skills affording professional growth or self-promotion. Opportunities are available on the Board, committees and special projects.
7. Recognition: You can be recognized or can recognize your colleagues for their achievements in public health. Some of our heroes work right next to us every day!
8. Empowerment: You are part of a larger community. You are empowered to get involved in issues that affect your personal and professional communities and the quality of your life and the lives of countless others.